About Us

How we work

What makes us

Samsa was a travelling salesman and above it there hung a picture
that he had recently cut out of an illustration

We're not here
for profit

We're not here
for profit

We're not here
for profit

We're not here
for profit


About Us

Maria Seva Society is a charitable society organized and conducted by the Roman Catholic Minority group to cater to the needs of all people. Members of the society strive to promote and carry out education, medical or relief of the poor and other charitable works for the public at large irrespective of religion, caste, creed, race or social status in any or all fields of learning in keeping with the education, ethical, medical and charitable guidelines of the sisters of the Queen of the Apostles.

How we work

Our Vision & Mission

Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum. Lorem Ipsum. Test test


Maria Seva Society is a charitable society organized and conducted by the Roman Catholic Minority group to cater to the needs of all people. Members of the society strive to promote and carry out education, medical or relief of the poor and other charitable works for the public at large irrespective of religion, caste, creed, race or social status in any or all fields of learning in keeping with the education, ethical, medical and charitable guidelines of the sisters of the Queen of the Apostles.